


1. 请你简单介绍一下自己。
在面对这个问题时,我们要注意掌握一些基本的自我介绍的表达方法。首先,要先自我介绍的外貌和身份特点,然后再介绍自己的爱好、特长以及目标。比如可以说:“Hello everyone! My name is Zhang Li. I\’m 25 years old. I come from Weifang, Shandong Province. I have black hair and black eyes. I\’m a college student majoring in English. In my spare time, I enjoy reading books and playing basketball. My goal is to become a English teacher in the future.”


2. 请描述一下你的家乡。
在回答这个问题时,我们要从家乡的地理位置、气候、文化、人们的生活方式等方面进行描述。比如可以说:“My hometown is Weifang, a beautiful city in Shandong Province. It is located in the east of China. Weifang has a moderate climate, with four distinct seasons. It is famous for its kites and international kite festival. The people here are friendly and the food is delicious. The cost of living is relatively low, which makes it a great place to live.”


3. 请你谈谈一个你最近的旅行经历。
回答这个问题时,可以先简要介绍一下旅行的目的地、时间和方式,然后描述旅途中的经历和感受。比如可以说:“I recently went on a trip to Beijing during the summer vacation. It took me about three hours to get there by high-speed train. During my trip, I visited many famous tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace. The architecture and history of these places deeply impressed me. Besides, I also tried a lot of local food, which was delicious. Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I will cherish the memories forever.”


4. 谈一下你对英语学习的看法。
在回答这个问题时,我们可以从学习英语的重要性、方法和困难等方面进行阐述。比如可以说:“I think learning English is very important in today\’s globalized world. It can help us communicate with people from different countries and cultures. As for the learning methods, I believe that listening, speaking, reading, and writing are equally important. We should practice these skills on a daily basis. However, learning English is not easy. It requires a lot of time and effort. But as long as we persist, we will be able to master it.”


5. 请谈一下你的朋友圈子。
在回答这个问题时,我们可以介绍一下自己的朋友,他们的性格和特点,以及我们在一起做的活动。比如可以说:“I have a small but close circle of friends. They are all very kind and supportive. One of my friends is outgoing and always full of energy, so we often go hiking or play sports together. Another friend is very creative and we often have movie nights or DIY parties. We have a lot of fun together and always support each other in our endeavors.”


