


A: Hi, Mary! You look so happy today. What happened?
B: Hi, Sarah! You won\’t believe it. I won the lottery yesterday. I am so lucky!
A: Wow, congratulations! That\’s amazing. How much did you win?
B: I won a thousand dollars. It\’s not a huge amount, but it\’s enough to make me happy.
A: I can imagine. Winning a lottery is definitely a stroke of luck. How did you pick the winning numbers?
B: Actually, I didn\’t have any special strategy. I just chose my favorite numbers and it turned out to be lucky.
A: Sometimes luck just works in mysterious ways. Have you thought about how you are going to spend the prize money?
B: Yes, I have. I want to go on a vacation with my family. We\’ve been wanting to go for a long time, but couldn\’t afford it.
A: That\’s a great idea. It\’s always nice to treat yourself and your loved ones with something special.
B: Absolutely. I feel like this lucky win is a reward for all the hard work I\’ve put in over the years. It\’s a nice feeling to be lucky once in a while.
A: I couldn\’t agree more. Sometimes all we need is a little b
it of luck to brighten up our lives.
B: Definitely. I feel grateful for this opportunity and I am going to make the most of it.





