


A: Hi, Lisa! Are you free this weekend?
B: Yes, I am. Why?
A: I\’m thinking of taking a short trip. Would you like to join me?
B: That sounds great! Where are you planning to go?
A: I was thinking of going to the beach. What do you think?
B: Perfect! I love the ocean. When are we leaving?
A: I suggest we leave early in the morning. How about 8 o\’clock?
B: Sounds good to me. Should we pack some food?
A: Definitely! I will bring some sandwiches and fruits.
B: Great! I\’ll bring some drinks and snacks.

A: Have you watched the latest Marvel movie?
B: No, not yet. Is it good?
A: Yes, it\’s amazing! The special effects are stunning.
B: Whic
h character do you like the most?
A: I really like Iron Man. He\’s witty and cool.
B: I prefer Captain America. He\’s strong and brave.
A: That\’s true. But all the superheroes are impressive.
B: I agree. Let\’s watch it together this weekend.

A: I need to buy a new dress for the party next week.
B: Let\’s go shopping together. I love shopping!
A: Great idea! Where should we go?
B: How about the mall? They have a lot of choices.
A: Sounds good. I prefer something elegant and stylish.
B: I think the boutique on the second floor has what you want.
A: Okay, let\’s start there. I hope they have my size.
B: Don\’t worry, I\’m sure we will find the perfect dress.


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