


1. 我需要请一天的病假:外教在面对身体不适时,需要及时请病假,以确保自己
的健康,同时也要尽量减少对教学工作的影响。当需要请病假时,外教可以这样表达:“Excuse me, I need to take a sick leave for one day. I\’m not feeling well and need to rest. I will make sure to provide materials for the substitute teacher, so the students won\’t miss out on their lessons. Thank you for your understanding.”

2. 我需要请一天的事假:除了身体原因外,外教有时也会因为私人事务需要请假。在这种情况下,外教可以这样说:“Excuse me, I need to take a personal leave for one day. I have an important appointment that cannot be rescheduled. I will prepare detailed lesson plans for the substitute teacher, so the students will still receive quality education. Thank you for your cooperation.”

3. 我需要请一段时间的假期:有时外教可能需要请长假,比如回国度假或者参加重要的培训活动。在向雇主请长假时,外教可以用以下方式表达:“Excuse me, I need to take an extended leave from work. I will be going back to my home country for a vacation/attending an important training program. I will provide the necessary materials and lesson plans for the substitute teacher, so the students will continue to learn effectively. I appreciate your support in this matter.”

4. 我会找人代替我的工作:外教请假时,找到合适的替代人员来保持教学的连续性是十分重要的。因此,外教在请假时要明确表示自己会负责找到替代人员,并将所需的教学材料和计划提供给他们。外教可以这样说明:“I will make sure to find a suitable substitute teacher to cover my classes during my absence. I will provide them with all the necessary materials and lesson plans, so the students\’ learning progress will not be disrupted. Thank you for your understanding and support.”

5. 请假后的工作安排:请假结束后,外教也需要与雇主进行沟通,确保教学工作的平稳过渡。外教可以这样和雇主商讨:“I will return to work on [日期],and would like to have a meeting with you to discuss the progress of the classes during my absence. I will also provide feedback and any necessary adjustments that need to be made. Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a meeting. Thank you.”


