



考官:Hi, how can I help you today?

考生:Hi, I am looking for a place to rent. Can you give me some advice?

考官:Sure, what is your budget?

考生:I have a budget of around 800 dollars per month.

考官:Okay. How many rooms do you need?

考生:I only need one room.

考官:Do you have any preferences for the location?

考生:I would prefer a place close to the university.

考官:I see. Would you like an apartment or a house?

考生:An apartment would be fine.

考官:Alright. I will help you find some options and send them to your email. Please check later.

考生:Thank you so much for your help.


考官:Hello, how can I assist you today?

考生:Hello, I am planning a trip to your country. Can you give me some recommendations?

考官:Sure, what kind of attractions are you interested in?

考生:I like historical sites and natural landscapes.

考官:Great. I would recommend you visit the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army.

考生:They both sound fascinating. How can I get there?

考官:To visit the Great Wall, you can take a bus or hire a car. As for the Terracotta Army, there are guided tours available.

考生:That\’s helpful. How about the local food?

考官:You should definitely try our local specialties, such as Peking duck and dumplings.

考生:Sounds delicious! I can\’t wait to experience everything. Thank you for your suggestions.


考官:Hello, how can I assist you today?

考生:Hello, I have a job interview coming up. Can you give me some tips?

考官:Of course. First, make sure you have a good understanding of the company and the position you are applying for.

考生:I have done some research, but do you have any specific suggestions for the interview?

考官:Yes. It is important to dr
ess professionally and arrive on time. During the interview, maintain good eye contact and speak clearly.

考生:What about answering the interview questions?

考官:Be prepared to talk about your relevant skills and experiences. It is also useful to think of some questions to ask the interviewer.

考生:I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice.



