
Bob: Hi, Nancy. What’s wrong? You look pale.
Nancy: Hi, Bob. I’m not feeling well. I have a fever and a headache.
Bob: Oh, that doesn’t sound good. You should see a doctor.
Nancy: Yeah, I was actually planning to do that.

But I’m not sure where to go.
Bob: Well, there’s a hospital near here. Why don’t you go there?
Nancy: That sounds like a good idea. Can you please come with me? I’m not very confident in my English.
Bob: Sure. I’d be happy to come with you. Let me grab my jacket.
At the hospital:
Receptionist: Good morning. How may I assist you?
Bob: Hi, my friend is feeling sick and needs to see a doctor.
Receptionist: Okay. Please fill out this form and provide your insurance information.
Nancy: I don’t have insurance. Will that be a problem?
Receptionist: No, it won’t be a problem. We have a special program for those who don’t have insurance.
Bob: That’s good to hear. Thank you.
Doctor: Hello, I’m Dr. Lee. What seems to be the problem?
Nancy: Hi, doctor. I have a fever and a headache.
Dr. Lee: Okay. Let’s take your temperature and check your blood pressure.
A few minutes later:
Dr. Lee: Well, your temperature is a bit high. Do you have any other symptoms?
Nancy: No, not really. Just a bit of a sore throat.
Dr. Lee: Okay. I’m going to prescribe some medicine for your fever and a sore throat. And I’d like you to come back in a few days if you’re not feeling better.
Nancy: Thank you, Dr. Lee.
After the doctor’s visit, Bob and Nancy left the hospital:
Bob: How are you feeling?
Nancy: I’m feeling a bit better now, thank you for coming with me.
Bob: No problem. I’m glad I could help.
Nancy: You know, I’ve always been afraid to go to the doctor in a foreign country. But this experience was not so bad.
Bob: Yeah, it’s always good to take care of your health, no matter where you are.
Nancy: Agreed. And having a friend by my side definitely

made it easier.
Bob: Anytime, Nancy. I’m here for you.
到医院后,由于Nancy没有保险,他们向医生和医院前台咨询并得到了解决方法。Dr. Lee十分负责任地询问了Nancy的症状并进行了相应的治疗,最后建议Nancy再次就诊。

